donderdag 25 juli 2013

Polish or urban?

When I woke up this morning, I had an idea for a blog post but nowhere to actually post it. So I decide to make a new blog, my 5378th time. This time I'm really going to keep up, I promise.

This blog is about so many different things, but I'll try to give a light (and as short as possible) explanation of what it's going to be about. 
At first, fashion, my biggest passion (har-har that rimes). I love fashion and shopping, but mostly I love looking for stuff that other people would easily look over. I would describe my style as indescribable, hence the title of my blog. I can be preppy, I can be casual, I can look like a hobo, it just depends on my feelings that day. 
That brings me to the next topic, which is me trying to find out if I want to be preppy or casual, polish or urban. 
Besides all those things I'll post about school, music, family, friends, me trying to get healthy again (not sick, just chubby) and things that I like!

I hope that with this I've done enough explaining about myself...
If you read this, post a comment telling me who you are and how you came to my blog :) would love to read that!


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